History is Happening It’s been a couple of week since life did a drastic shift in a direction none of us anticipated. I think we’ve all kind of gone through
There are so many things I can say right now. So many things. The world feels like it is in upheaval. In Atlas Shrugged, Ayn Rand talks about the producers
Let’s take about sex for a minute, shall we? Okay, not sex, but sexes. The sexes. Men and women. Boys and girls. Male and female… you get the idea.
Churning Back to Life July 4th, 2017 marked the three month anniversary from the day I delivered Ophelia. July sixth was three months from the date of burial. So
A New Focus I wrote a post a while back titled ‘The Joys of Motherhood.’ When writing that, I didn’t anticipate writing about the sorrows. The title of the
Heartbreak – My Stillborn Grief My heart aches today. Because I’m a grief stricken mother of a stillborn child. This is not the kind of ache you can push
The Joys of Motherhood My baby is sick. She’s been sick for days. It’s a strange little illness because it’s lingering – and it seems to be a combination of
Postpartum Depression and the question of Mental Illness vs. Physical Illness I’m a firm believer that a sickness of the mind should be treated just like a sickness of the
Postpartum Depression – The Monster in your Mind Postpartum Depression is something you can heal from. It’s the beginning of a journey that will force you to learn things
Postpartum Depression An illness – not a broken person During my postpartum depression experience, I was frequently told that I was likely suffering from depression because I’d disconnected from God.